Monday, September 6, 2010

Why I prefer muscle relaxants?

One of my tennis buddies suffered from a sprained ankle two months back and we were about to give him a dose of Tramadol pain medication, but the club’s physician suggested that we should give him the Soma muscle realxer instead.

He told me that it is a common mistake. There is a popualr myth that if you suffer from almost any type of pain you can just pop-in a pain relief pill and you will be up and running.

Apparently, all sort of pains require different medications. According to the club physicians, the best pain relief for a muscle injury is offered by a muscle relaxant, as it allows the muscles to get out of the tense state and hence rebuild themselves.

I did a little online research and found out that the Soma muscle relaxer is especially meant to get the muscles out of their stressed state. It is prescribed by a number of physicians to deal with the pain caused by muscular spasms, strains and sprains.

Well, from that day onwards I rely on muscle relaxants for my muscle injuries.  

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